Orlin Goranov is one of Bulgaria’s most popular pop singers, a favourite performer of generations of Bulgarians at home and abroad. Among his most famous hits are "The world is made for two", "A childhood memory" (duet with pop singer..
People say that true talent is inimitable, there is always something unique and deeply personal in it, even though in the end it belongs to the world. It would always find its way, no matter the difficulties. This has been proved by the thousands..
"Competitions are for horses, not artists" - this oft-quoted phrase belongs to the great Hungarian composer and pianist Béla Bartók. Many contemporary artists share his position, but music competitions are nonetheless multiplying. Their stage..
The outgoing year has brought many disappointments to Bulgarian amateur artists as they faced difficult choices and decisions. Nevertheless, Margarita Petkova and Georgi Iliev are optimistic. They do not know each other, but they have a common..
A Merry Christmas to all friends of Radio Bulgaria! Wherever you may be in the world, whatever your language or your faith”, we wish you one thing above all else – health, and a pinch of the holiday spirit with the songs of famous Bulgarian..
Having passed under the sign of the 250 th birth anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven, 2020 has been imbued with the music of the composer who has left coming generations remarkable works, throwing a bridge from Classicism to the next era..
The memory and deeds of St. Spyridon, one of the great wonderworkers of the IV century, is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on December 12. Born on the island of Cyprus to a poor family, he became a shepherd at an early age. He was..
" It would not suffice to say that I love the songs of Standzha Mountain! They are sealed deep in my heart, I carry them with love and admiration, I will stay true to them until my last breath ”, says notable Bulgarian folk singer Zlatka..
A brilliant performer and also a beloved and dedicated teacher, Prof. Stefan Popov is one of the most famous names in the world of classical music. For the past four decades he has taught at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London,..
Viyeolensel ustası, parlak müzisyen, sevilen öğretmen olan Prof. Stefan Popov klasik müzik dalında dünyaca ünlü bir isimdir. Son kırk yılda yutdışında 1977 yılına kadar Londra’da Guildhall School of Music and Drama, daha sonra ABD, Boston University и..
На 5 март Православната ни църква чества паметта на светите мъченици Йоан Българин и Конон. Св. Йоан бил родом от България . По някакъв случай..
Байсе Касъмларлъ е начална учителка. Тя е от онези педагози, за които работата с деца е не просто професия, а призвание. Казва, че малчуганите й дават..
На 6 март отбелязваме паметта на светите 42-ма мъченици в Амория и св. Аркадий. Тези християнски мъченици били военачалници и пострадали..