Vasil Terziev: Sofia is a symbol of spirituality, culture and progress

Sofia Mayor Vasil Terziev calls on political forces to seek reconciliation

''Today, we celebrate the holiday of our capital – a city with a history filled with significant moments, a city that has always been at the heart of Bulgaria. Sofia is not just a geographic location; it is a symbol of spirituality, culture and progress'', Sofia Mayor Vassil Terziev said at the solemn session of the Sofia Municipal Council on the occasion of the Day of Sofia marked on September 17.

"Today, as we celebrate this holiday, we must ask ourselves what more we can do to make Sofia not only the capital of the past but also a city of the future", Vasil Terziev said. In his words, we have witnessed growing political tensions in recent years. ''Partisan divisions, sharp conflicts and constant clashes have become obstacles to the progress of the city and our country'', said Mayor Terziev. He called on all political forces to seek reconciliation, regardless of their ideology or position.

''Today is not only the Day of Sofia- it is the Day of Bulgaria, because our capital is the heart and face of the nation", Sofia Municipal Council Chairman Tsvetomir Petrov said.

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