Influential international service signals highest threat level against Boyko Borissov

An alert of the highest threat level issued by one of the most influential intelligence services in the world is the reason why the home of GERB leader Boyko Borissov is guarded by snipers. This is how he responded to the question of the PP-DB party why soldiers with guns are standing in front of the fence of his house in the town of Banky close to Sofia.

According to Boyko Borissov, the reason for the threat is the support given to Ukraine. "In two diametrically opposed parties, information came out that the threat against the leader of GERB, because of which there had to be increased security by the National Security Service, came from Delyan Peevski," he told journalists and stressed that there was no other reason than the one given by himself.

Boyko Borissov called "not to package GERB and MRF into one", pointing out that there are many similarities and differences with Delyan Peevski, and that there was no agreement between the two parties. "GERB will propose a cabinet of the minority and entirely ours. I do not want support from a number of MPs, but from a party, I do not shop for MPs," he said.