Vice President Iotova calls for leadership meetings to form a government

''It is important that Bulgaria emerges from timelessness'', Vice President Iliana Iotova said with regard to the negotiations for forming a government in Bulgaria. ''We should wait for the end of the government formation negotiations and see what the conclusions of the negotiating group will be”, Vice President Iotova said further. "Furthermore, Mr. Borisov promised leadership meetings. Perhaps more political parties will respond to the invitation for a meeting'', Vice President Iotova went on to say.

In view of the upcoming EU and NATO summits, Iliana Yotova expressed concern that there is no clear formulation of Bulgaria's position on two important international meetings: the Summit on Peace in Ukranie held in Switzerland and the informal leader’s meeting in Brussels. "The information is more than scarce, with general formulations. Apparently, the caretaker government cannot, does not want to, or does not consider it normal to take a more serious and tenable position. This has to stop", said Iliana Iotova.

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