Podcast in English

author: Yoan Kolev

Rising Stars Junior Achievement, Bulgaria competition for school and university student startups

It was a hotly contested race for the top positions at the 11 th startup forum Rising Stars organized by the Bulgarian branch of the Junior Achievement NGO in Sofia. 260 school and university students and over 150 education companies and..

12.06.19 13:36 |

Foro de juventud en Sofía distingue a docenas de startups escolares y universitarias

El 11 ° Foro de Startups de Jóvenes "Estrellas en ascenso", organizado por la división búlgara de la ONG "Junior Achievment" en Sofía, ha celebrado una pugna por los primeros puestos en las diferentes categorías. 260 escolares y universitarios y más de..

12.06.19 12:43 |

Bulgaria celebra el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente con una serie de eventos

La contaminación atmosférica es el tema principal del programa del 5 de junio de este año, Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente. Según el Ministro de Ecología de Bulgaria, Neno Dimov, Bulgaria ha avanzado en la lucha contra la contaminación atmosférica. Según..

05.06.19 14:37 |

Bulgaria marks World Environment Day with series of events

Air pollution is the leading topic of this year's World Environment Day - June 5. According to the Minister of Environment, Neno Dimov, Bulgaria has made progress in combating air pollution. According to him, the whole northeastern region of..

05.06.19 14:15 |

Dünya Çevre Günü farklı etkinliklerle kutlanıyor

5 Haziran- Dünya Çevre Günü’nün bu yılki kutlamalarında hava kirliliği konusuna özel yer ayrılıyor. Çevre Bakanı Nino Dimov’un sözlerine göre, Bulgaristan’da hava kirliliğine karşı önlemlerde büyük gelişme yaşanıyor. Bakan, Kuzeydoğu illerinin..

05.06.19 12:06 |

Hristo Botev's home has not closed doors since it became museum 75 years ago

On the Day of Hristo Botev and those who fell for the freedom of Bulgaria, we take you to his home in Kalofer, which was turned into a museum 75 years ago. The story of the house is interesting and it is part of a museum complex, declared a..

02.06.19 09:00 |
Martchéla Abrachéva, Ingrid Chikova et Vladimir Chopov

Ingrid Chikova : "Le faible taux de participation aux Européennes est dû à la crise de confiance dans les politiques"

Quelques jours après la tenue des Européennes (26 mai), les inconnues autour de la composition du nouveau Parlement européen, de la formation d’une majorité stable et d’une Commission européenne fonctionnant correctement, ainsi que celles liées..

29.05.19 14:30 |
Marchela Abrasheva, Ingrid Shikova and Vladimir Shopov

Ingrid Shikova: Crisis of trust in politics and politicians is reason for low voter turnout

Several days after the European elections held in Bulgaria on May 26 the uncertainties about the structure of the new European Parliament, the majority at the EP, the European Commission and the perspectives of development of the EU provoke..

29.05.19 12:59 |

UNESCO Genel Müdürü Audrey Azoulay örgütün karşı karşıya geldiği meydan okumaları tanıttı

UNESCO Genel Müdürü Audrey Azoulay, Cumhurbaşkanı Rumen Radev’in daveti üzere 23 ile 24 Mayıs tarihlerinde ülkemizi ziyaret etti. İkili arasında yürüten görüşmede Bulgaristan ile UNESCO arasında işbirliği konusu ve ayrıca ülkemizin Yönetim Kurulu üyesi..

27.05.19 15:30 |

In Sofia UNESCO Director-General presented challenges the organization faces

Director General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay visited Bulgaria on May 23 and 24 at the invitation of President Rumen Radev. Cooperation between Bulgaria and UNESCO, as well as the priorities of the country as a member of the Executive Board of the..

27.05.19 15:04 |