Podcast in English

author: Yoan Kolev

The political situation in Bulgaria and the message to the world

In the past 30 years, Bulgaria has undergone a number of political and social tests. This has affected the public adjustments towards significant topics related to the political agenda and the future of this country. If we look back at the..

03.02.20 13:08 |

La situación política en Bulgaria y el mensaje al mundo

En los últimos 30 años Bulgaria ha atravesado por una serie de pruebas en los planos político, público y social. Esto ha repercutido sensiblemente en los ánimos de la sociedad en lo tocante a temas importantes de la agenda política y el futuro..

03.02.20 12:20 |

La conjoncture politique en Bulgarie et son message au monde

Ces 30 dernières années, la Bulgarie a surmonté plusieurs défis sur le plan social et économique, ce qui a eu un impact considérable sur l’opinion au niveau de différents thèmes relatifs à l’ordre du jour politique et l’avenir du pays. Si on..

03.02.20 12:11 |

Petar Baykov double tout seul des dizaines de rôles dans les films d’animation et de fiction du cinéma mondial

Des contes évoquant le courage et la bravoure de l’homme ordinaire, des voyages jusqu’aux royaumes riches et lointains dont le but consiste à sauver la princesse enchantée sont parmi les sujets qui captivent l’imagination des enfants,..

30.01.20 12:48 |

SOS Koala” binlerce kilometre uzaktaki acıyı paylaşıyor

Avustralya’da yangın dehşeti haberleri Bulgaristan’da dayanışma ve paylaşma dalgasına yol açtı. Y apılan bir araştırmaya göre; yangın faciası nedeniyle 480 milyon hayvanın yangın faciasındaki çeşitli sebeplerden etkilenerek öldüğü belirtildi...

24.01.20 12:41 |

“SOS Koala” – compassion thousands of kilometres away

The reports about the devastating fires in Australia have triggered a wave of compassion in Bulgaria. A group of young people launched a campaigned via social networks and organized a charity event in support of all the animals which suffered..

21.01.20 16:06 |

SOS "Koala" : La Bulgarie au chevet de l’Australie en flammes !

Les dernières actualités sur les incendies dévastateurs qui ont embrasés l'Australie ont suscité une vague d’empathie en Bulgarie. Un groupe de jeunes gens ont initié une campagne sur les réseaux sociaux et ont organisé des oeuvres de charité en..

21.01.20 14:32 |

Bulgaristan’da ilk çikolata üreticilerinden Avram Çalyovski

Dünyada en çok tercih edilen tatlılardan birisi çikolatadır. Farklı renklerde ambalajı büyük ve küçük herkesi marketlerdeki çikolata raflarının önünde durmaya neden oluyor. Farklı çikolata türleri çoğu zaman bizi kararsız veya da formumuzu..

17.01.20 15:08 |

Avram Chalyovski – one of the first chocolate manufacturers in Bulgaria

Chocolate is among the most favourite sweet temptations worldwide. Its multicoloured packaging make children and adults stop quite often in front of the chocolate stands. Today, there are plenty of chocolate varieties on the market and we often..

17.01.20 14:13 |

EU policy on Kosovo – in the context of the Western Balkans' European perspective

Against the background of lack of clarity regarding the start of EU membership talks for countries such as Albania and North Macedonia, the European perspective on Kosovo seems like a distant notion, too. This Western Balkan country also has..

15.01.20 15:16 |