Para numerosos turistas nacionales y extranjeros, las vacaciones veraniegas tradicionales a orillas del mar se han visto frustradas en gran medida por la pandemia de la Covid−19 . Ello ha tenido por resultado un número de veraneantes en los centros..
For many Bulgarian and foreign tourists the Covid-19 pandemic seems to have shattered the traditional idea of a summer vacation by the sea. Consequently the resorts along the Bulgarian Black Sea coastline now stand all but empty. However,..
330 nouveaux cas de Covid-19 en 24 heures... 330 sont les nouveaux cas de Covid-19 sur 3686 tests PCR au cours des dernières 24 heures, soit un total de 6672 personnes infectées dont 3181 actives. 3 personnes sont décédées..
Pandemi ortamında kısa veya uzun yolculuklar için en uygun yöntem kendi otomobilinizle yola çıkmaktır. Turizm amaçlı gezilerde kendi aracında olan kişiler kendi zamanına da sahip çıkıyor ve çevrelerinde olacak gruba bağlı kalmıyor. Bulgaristan’a..
Le moyen de transport le moins dangereux en temps de pandémie aussi bien pour des distances courtes que pour des trajets plus longs reste l’automobile. Ainsi les touristes disposent de tout leur temps sans dépendre de qui que ce soit. Nous..
La pandémie entre dans une nouvelle phase... "En Bulgarie, on observe ces derniers temps un rebond des cas de Covid-19, mais le nombre des décès est en baisse. En Europe la mortalité journalière la plus élevée était de 5000..
Bulgaristan’ın simgesi olmuş iki tat- gül yağı ve yoğurt ülkeyi ziyaret eden bütün turistleri aroması ve tadı ile büyülüyor. Onların şifalı etkisi hakkındaki efsaneler dilden dile dolaşıyor, Nobel tıp ödülü alan İlya Meçnikov ise bu coğrafyalarda uzun..
There are two symbols which people anywhere in the world will recognize as Bulgarian – rose oil and yoghurt. Their curative properties are legendary - Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine Ilya Mechnikov even said that one of the reasons..
Depuis l’Antiquité nos terres sont connues pour leurs sources thermales curatives dont l’influence salutaire avait toujours été hautement appréciée par plusieurs empereurs romains. Aujourd’hui la Bulgarie fait partie des pays..
Since ancient times Bulgarian lands have been famous for their healing mineral springs , whose beneficial effect was appreciated by a number of Roman emperors. Nowadays, Bulgaria is among the leading countries in Europe in..
Heads of state and leaders from around the world congratulated the Bulgarian people on their National Day in congratulatory addresses sent to President..
The US Department of State congratulated Bulgaria on March 3. On behalf of the United States of America, please accept my warmest congratulations on..
Malena Zamfirova won second place in the parallel giant slalom event of the Snowboard World Cup round in Krynica, Poland. This is the first time the..
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