Il y a aura au total 751 bureaux de vote dans 68 pays étrangers pour le scrutin du 14 novembre. Le vote électronique se fera dans 21 pays et c’est en Turquie qu’il y a aura le plus de machines à voter – 96. Le ministère des Affaires..
A total of 751 polling stations will be organized abroad on November 14 for the 2-in-1 elections. They will be distributed in 68 countries. Machine voting will take place in 21 countries, with the largest number of machines - 96 - expected..
El 14 de noviembre estarán abiertos un total de 751 colegios electorales en el extranjero en 68 países. Se votará por máquina en 21 países y se espera que el mayor número de dispositivos sean instalados en Turquía. El Ministerio de Exteriores y las..
Batı Kenar Bölgelerinde yaşayan Bulgaristan vatandaşları, dünyanın farklı yerlerinde bulunan tüm yurttaşların ihtiyaç duyduğu istikrarı ve öngörülebilirliği umarak, bu yılki üçüncü parlamento seçim sonuçlarını sabırsızlıkla bekliyor. Bosilegrad..
Bulgaria se encuentra en el umbral de unas terceras elecciones parlamentarias anticipadas consecutivas y unos comicios presidenciales ordinarios. La campaña electoral ha abordado su recta final pero cabe proceder a un análisis del comportamiento de..
Bulgarians in the so-called Western Outlands are awaiting the results of this year's third parliamentary elections, hoping for the stability and predictability needed by all Bulgrians, no matter where they are. In an interview with Radio Bulgaria,..
Los búlgaros de las zonas extremos-occidentales esperan los resultados de las terceras elecciones parlamentarias anticipadas para este año con la esperanza de estabilidad y previsibilidad que necesitan todos nuestros compatriotas no obstante dónde..
The Covid-19 pandemic has made us rethink the life we are living and the way we travel, stimulating domestic tourism. The so-called urbex locations are as yet uncharted territory even though we can see them in practically every town and village..
Covid-19 pandemisi yaşam ve seyahat şekllerimizi yeniden gözden geçirmemize yol açtı. Genel sonuca göre iç turizmin canlanmasına yol açtı. Ve böyle yeni bir turizm tarzı gelişti. Sözüm ona “urbeks” turizmi. İsmi İngilizceden “urban exploration” –..
Ha expirado la prórroga que el Ministerio de Sanidad dio la semana pasada para la adquisición de un Certificado Verde. Desde hoy sin este documento se podrá entrar solamente en las tiendas de alimentos, los bancos, las farmacias, las instituciones..
On Wednesday morning, low clouds or fog may form in some plains, valleys and areas near water. Minimum temperatures will range from 4°C to -1°C, with..
The work of journalists from smaller media outlets in Bulgaria is particularly difficult, according to the annual report of the Council of Europe..
Tervel Zamfirov won the world title in parallel slalom at the FIS Snowboard Junior World Championships in Poland. Yesterday, the 20-year-old Bulgarian..
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