Un centro educativo con el nombre de Puertas abiertas , que desde principios de la guerra en Ucrania en 2022 no ha dejado de respaldar a ucranianos residentes en Bulgaria, sigue desarrollando y profundizando en una de sus causas: las..
Situation Center "Open Doors", which has been providing support to Ukrainians living in Bulgaria since the beginning of the war in 2022, continues to develop one of its main missions – providing Bulgarian language training for..
Il n'y a que deux jours pendant la Semaine Sainte avant la Résurrection du Christ qui offrent à chaque famille chrétienne la possibilité de décorer les œufs de Pâques, et le Jeudi Saint en fait partie. La tradition veut que le premier œuf soit..
Comme chaque nouveau média avant eux (cinéma, télévision, radio, presse écrite), les réseaux sociaux ont été accueillis avec un immense enthousiasme par le public. Mais tout comme leurs prédécesseurs, par exemple la radio qui a été utilisée pendant..
Fransız fizikçi ve filozof Blaise Pascal’ın 17. yüzyılda dile getirdiği, “Merak sadece kibirdir. Genellikle bir şeyi sadece onun hakkında konuşabilmek için bilmek isteriz” sözleri, sosyal ağların ortaya çıkması ve sosyal ağların hayatımızın üzerimizdeki..
“Curiosity is nothing more than vanity. More often than not we only seek knowledge to show it off,” according to Blaise Pascal. This observation, made by the French mathematician and physicist in the 17 th century, seems to have sprung back to life..
Les cinquièmes élections législatives en deux ans ont pris fin en Bulgarie. Deux coalitions et quatre partis entrent au 49 e parlement : GERB-UFD, « Poursuivons le changement-Bulgarie démocratique », « Renaissance », le Mouvement pour les Droits..
Las quintas elecciones parlamentarias en Bulgaria en los últimos dos años ya han pasado a la historia. Conformarán la 49ª Legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional seis formaciones: las coaliciones GERB-CDC, Continuamos con el Cambio- Bulgaria..
Ülkemizde son 2 yıldır beşinci parlamento seçimleri tarihe karıştı ve 49.Halk Meclise, GERB-SDS ve "Prodaljavame Promyanata" - "Demokratik Bulgaristan" koalisyonları ve DPS, "Vazrajdane" , BSP ve "İma takıv narod" partileri. Partilerdenher..
The 5 th general election in this country in two years is over, and there will be six political formations entering the next 49 th National Assembly – the coalitions GERB\SDS, We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria, and the parties Movement..
Citizens who cross at a pedestrian crossing while holding a mobile phone will be fined, according to proposed legislative changes. According to..
Yoana Ilieva won silver at the Heraklion Women's Individual Sabre World Cup. At the end of last year, she won bronze at the Women’s Sabre Grand Prix in..
An official ceremony and a March of Tolerance named ''We Remember'' took place in Sofia to mark the 82nd anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian..
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