Podcast in English

author: Gergana Mancheva

Three hundred year-old clock tower measures time in Bulgarian town of Zlatitsa

The clock tower in Zlatitsa (Central South Bulgaria) has turned over the years into the most popular place and a symbol of that Bulgarian town. Many old clock towers in Bulgaria, some of them built 300 years ago, preserved their authentic..

05.11.16 09:10 |

Going to market on Sunday – the tradition goes on

In summer heat and in winter frost salesmen never miss a Sunday when they can quite legally, “invade” the entire central street in the small town of Zlatitsa. People who grow fruit, vegetables and flowers, people who sell garden and farm tools..

30.10.16 08:35 |

What is a president? Caricatures give answers

What do former, current and future country presidents, presidents of football clubs and the “President” cheese have in common? It is that they are all part of the autumn exhibition of Bulgarian artists under the title “President.” The..

26.10.16 13:32 |

¿Qué cosa es el presidente? La respuesta está en las caricaturas

¿Qué es lo común entre los ex presidentes, los actuales y los futuros, entre presidentes de clubes futbolísticos y el queso Président? Lo común es que protagonizan una muestra otoñal de pintores búlgaros que tiene el título “Presidente”. La..

25.10.16 16:05 |

Academic start for Bulgarian pensioners-mission possible

What should people with rich life and professional experience do when they put an end to their active career after reaching pension age? Many Bulgarian men and women in their sixties ask that question. A group of elderly Bulgarian intellectuals..

19.10.16 12:56 |

Museum of Ministry of Interior displays rich collection of exhibits

One of the oldest museums in Sofia is situated behind the imposing building of the Sofia Court House. This is the Museum of the Ministry of Interior, which was established with the first document issued by the municipality for the creation of..

13.10.16 10:57 |

“Las mujeres, el rostro humano de la migración”

Con cada día que pasa crece el número de las mujeres y de los niños refugiados en Europa. El peligro de explotación y maltrato en su patria también aumenta y esto los induce a emprender el arriesgado camino hacia países desconocidos. Precisamente a..

12.10.16 13:18 |

Women – the human face of migration

Every passing day sees more and more women and children refugees in Europe. The risk of exploitation and abuse in their own countries is also growing and pushes them to embark on the difficult and dangerous road to countries unknown. A congress..

12.10.16 13:06 |
Thousands of local residents visited the European Day of Languages held on the first day of October

Diversity of foreign languages from across the world in Sofia

Sofia has been a city at the crossroads since ancient times and various languages ​​and cultures meet here. Today the Bulgarian capital is even more colourful. It is enough to take a day for a walk in the historic centre of the city or in one of..

08.10.16 11:05 |

Writers Without Books circle presents young author Eddie Rumyan

A girl is in the bus and starts reading a book with a challenging photograph of a woman on the cover. A middle-aged man sitting beside her looks at the cover photo but has never heard of the title though it is classics in literature. He tends to..

08.10.16 09:20 |