Bulgaria’s printed media informs on Friday about the multiple technical failures at Sofia’s central heating company Toplofikatsiya which left thousands of citizens without central heating for several days. Some headlines of the Friday’s newspapers..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuate for the third consecutive day on the tragic accident on Hemus motorway last Sunday when a corroded metal lamp beam fell on a passenger vehicle in Echemishka tunnel and killed a 64 years-old Bulgarian woman who was..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuates on Monday on the messages of the main political formations sent to their supporters during the weekend . Dnevnik daily informs about the 49 th Congress of the Bulgarian Socialist Party held on February 4 and 5...
El jueves de la semana que termina el embajador de Rusia en Sofía, Anatolii Makarov, manifestó ante Radio Nacional de Bulgaria que en 2016 en los contactos búlgaro-rusos se había producido un” viraje positivo” y sugirió que alguien invitara al presidente..
Russia’s Ambassador to Sofia Anatoly Makarov told the Bulgarian National Radio on Thursday that the Bulgaria-Russia relations reached a positive turning point last year and advised Bulgaria’s authorities to invite Vladimir Putin to pay visit to that..
26 Mart’ta yapılacak erken seçimler için parti ve koalisyonların tescil işlemleri dün başladı. Tescil süresi 8 Şubat’ta doluyor. Seçimlere katılacak partilerin sayısı ve aralarındaki koalisyonlar her ne kadar önemli olsa da şu anda kamunun gündeminde..
L’inscription des partis et coalitions pour les prochaines législatives anticipes a démarré hier et prendra fin le 8 février. Le nombre des participants aux législatives et de leurs coalitions est une chose très importante, mais en ce moment..
The registration of political parties and coalitions for the forthcoming early Parliamentary elections in Bulgaria began on February 2 and will last until February 8. It is important for the society to know the number of the parties..
To the excitement related to change of power in Sofia in the past week, one can add that caused by the EC report on reforms in the country in the past decade. The main conclusion of the document is that there was no fundamental change in the fight..
After in the past November Democrats for Strong Bulgaria finally withdrew from the rightist Reformist Bloc, on Thursday its leader Radan Kanev, recent presidential candidate Traycho Traykov and part of the Civic Council of the Reformist Bloc, as well..
Die Bulgarische Nationalbank BNB hat auf ihrer Website Antworten auf wichtige Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Einführung des Euro und dem Beitritt zur..
Bulgarien hat einen Antrag auf einen außerordentlichen Konvergenzbericht gestellt, da man davon ausgeht, dass das Land die Kriterien für einen Beitritt..
Am Mittwoch werden die Tiefsttemperaturen zwischen -5 und 0°C liegen, in den nordöstlichen Gebieten bis zu -7°C, in Sofia um -1°C. Tagsüber wird es..