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author: Albena Bezovska

La Sociedad Bach en Bulgaria presenta “El Mesías” de Haendel

Hoy, 8 de mayo, en el Aula Magna de la Universidad de Sofía “San Clemente de Ohrid” resonará “El Mesías” de Haendel, una de las obras más famosas de este compositor. El oratorio compuesto allá por el año 1741 fue ejecutado en estreno en forma integral..

08.05.19 15:44 |

Sofya’da Hendel’in “Mesih” eseri sunulacak

8 Mayıs tarihinde “Az. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofya Üniversitesi 'ninAula Magna' Salonu’nda ünlü besteci Hendel’in en ünlü eserlerinden biri olan "Mesih" eseri sunulacak. 1741 senesi civarında bestelenen eser ilk olarak 1742'de Dublin'de sunulmuş. Bazı..

08.05.19 15:29 |

Bulgarian Bach Society presents "Messiah" by Handel

On May 8, at Aula Magna of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski,” the audience will hear "Messiah" by George Frederik Handel – one of the most famous works by the composer. Written around 1741, the oratorio was first performed..

08.05.19 13:40 |

Dobrin Dobrev: Quien ha nacido en Dobrudzha o ha vivido bajo sus estrellas está como hechizado

El cantante folclórico búlgaro Dobrin Dobrev vive en Chipre desde hace más de una década. Gestiona una oficina de información que se dedica a traducir y legalizar documentos, así como a organizar eventos culturales. Ha organizado junto con la Embajada..

07.05.19 15:50 |

Dobrin Dobrev: If you were born in Dobroudzha and have lived under its stars, you shall be under its spell, always

Folk singer Dobrin Dobrev has been living in Cyprus for more than a decade. He is manager of an information office for the legalization of documents and the organization of cultural events. Together with the Bulgarian embassy he has organized..

07.05.19 15:07 |

Sofia Paper Art Fest is guest to National Palace of Culture

The ninth edition of the Sofia Paper Art Fest started on April 16th. The unique international project has been taking place in several galleries in the Bulgarian capital city. On May 2 the exhibition was put on display in the National Palace of Culture..

02.05.19 16:16 |

Ulusal Kültür Sarayı’nda “Sofya kağıt art fest”

16 Nisan’da “Sofya Kağıt Art Festivali” dokuzuncu kez başladı. Eşsiz uluslararası proje birçok büyük başkent galerisinde gösteriliyor, “Amateras” yarışmasının eserlerinden oluşan sergi 2 Mayıs’ta açılıyor. 2018 yılında Büyük Ödülü kazanan Martina..

02.05.19 16:03 |

"Festival de Arte de Papel de Sofía" en el Palacio Nacional de Cultura

El pasado 16 de abril dio comienzo la 9ª edición del “Sofia Paper Art Fest”. Este proyecto internacional único se presenta en varias galerías metropolitanas, y hoy, 2 de mayo, se inaugurará en el Palacio Nacional de Cultura de la capital búlgara..

02.05.19 15:32 |

Bulgarian actress Militsa Gladnishka starring in two musical performances – "Titanic" and "Life as a Movie"

Militsa Gladnishka has been one of the very popular actresses in Bulgaria in recent years. Theatrical and musical stages are part of her artistic career, as well as various TV productions, films, etc. She has been connected with music since..

02.05.19 12:26 |

Sofraların baş tacı sağlıklı ekmek

Kurduğu fırında 50’den çok ekmek türü ve bir o kadar hamur işi çeşidi üreten Botyu Borisov, tam tahıllı unlardan ve ekşi mayadan elle yapılan ekmeğin, sağlık ve uzun ömrü olduğuna inanıyor. Paskalya öncesinde onun elinden çıkan ekmeğe hayran olan..

27.04.19 10:15 |