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author: Albena Bezovska

Violence – part of online risks children face today

Milena is 16 years old girl from Sofia, studying at the Second English Language School "Thomas Jefferson". She likes math and history classes and wants to become a journalist in the future. She has taken part in various projects that promote..

22.05.20 15:13 |

Rachmaninoff's Integral – new album and new great achievement for Bulgaria’s piano duo Aglika Genova and Liuben Dimitrov

“It's just great! This music needs true virtuosos. Genova & Dimitrov are the absolutely right interpreters who made these recordings to their affair of the heart. One can hear it in every single sound. Colorful and inventive play.....

22.05.20 12:08 |

Bulgaria rinde homenaje a la memoria y la obra de los santos emperadores Constantino y Elena

El 21 de mayo, la Iglesia Ortodoxa Búlgara rinde homenaje a la memoria de dos santos isoapóstoles, el emperador Constantino el Grande y su madre, la emperatriz Elena. En Bulgaria, este día celebran sus fiestas patronales decenas de templos que llevan..

22.05.20 06:56 |

Mice in folklore beliefs and traditions

Charismatic, intelligent, creative, extremely active and gregarious… According to the Chinese horoscope these are just some of the admirable qualities possessed by people born in the Year of the Rat – the first of the 12 years from the Chinese..

21.05.20 16:22 |

Christians honor Saints Constantine and Helen

On May 21, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great and Queen Elena. In this country this day is the holiday of dozens of churches that bear the name of the saints, including the rock..

21.05.20 11:19 |

Kyustendil- changing faces of the “eternal town”

The history of Kyustendil dates back to the Neolithic period. Part of its glory over the centuries is due to the hot thermal mineral springs. According to some researchers, even the ancient name of this Bulgarian town situated in Southwest..

19.05.20 15:45 |

“The Bulgarian music is interesting both in its classical and folklore aspect”

Ambassadors of Bulgarian culture- this is how we call the Bulgarian musicians who gained worldwide recognition. Bulgarian conductor Michael Deltchev who has lived and worked in Denmark for decades is undoubtedly one of them. A few days ago,..

07.05.20 14:08 |

The Church of St. George the Victorious in Kyustendil – an epitome of ascetic beauty

An architectural and cultural monument of national importance, the church of Saint George the Victorious in the town of Kyustendil is located at the foot of the nearby Osogovo Mountain, in Kolusha neighbourhood. The study and restoration of..

06.05.20 07:15 |

Küstendil’de “Az.Georgi” kilisesinin sade güzelliği

“Aziz Georgi” kilisesi Küstendil’in Koluşa mahallesinde Osogovska dağının eteklerinde bulunuyor. Ulusal çapta önemli mimari-sanat anıtı ilan edilmiş bulunuyor. Kilisenin araştırılması ve restorasyonu onlarca yıl sürdü, ancak tarihi ile ilgili bazı..

06.05.20 06:45 |
Nikosia, April 22, 2020. An elderly lady passes by the statue of Goddess Athena

Bulgarian folk singer Dobrin Dobrev: People in Cyprus comply with government measures

"Greetings to everyone from sunny Cyprus! The weather here is wonderful and it is really unfortunate that we are locked in our homes, but we must stay disciplined until the end”, are the words of Bulgarian national Dobrin Dobrev who has..

26.04.20 07:00 |